I am Risky Blossom

Hi! My name is India (or Heather, depending on how long you’ve known me).

In 2022, I started a blog on Medium.com and a YouTube channel to inspire others (and myself) to live an intentional life. Intentional living means a few things to me. First, I intend to use my talents and inclinations to make money; second, I will eat well and exercise like my life depends on it — because it does; and third, I will only do things I enjoy with people I enjoy. My career, health and relationships are the focus. This clarity is a long time coming. In my 20s, I fell ass backwards into a career that left me wanting. I also spent years in toxic relationships. Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and food helped me cope. Obviously, I’m not the only person who has lived out of touch with themselves. A lot of my fellow Gen X’ers, grew up with Baby Boomer parents who thought that life was about getting a job that they hated, marrying the first person who asked, having babies they may not have wanted, retiring at 65 and then, maybe, having some fun before they die. That’s what they did, and most of them never questioned it.

None of that ever sounded good to me, so I’ve been questioning those messages since I was a young child. Am I here to hate my life? I wondered. The idea depressed me because I thought the answer was yes. Right now, at this point in my life, it is more important than ever for me to push back on this thought and embrace the fact that I can live this life doing and having much more of what I want.

My challenge now is unlearning the limiting beliefs that shaped me and kept me on autopilot toward mediocrity and procrastination. Unlearning takes letting it be OK that I’m a beginner and having patience while I get better and hone my skills. It’s time for me to start messy, but start I must. I’m a writer — I’ve always been a writer — but I write songs as well. My writing isn’t so bad, but my songwriting is pretty terrible. I also make videos that are terrible. But everyone that I admire had an awkward start. I know that if I keep plugging away, I will grow in ways I can’t even imagine.

This is “Risky Blossom.” It’s a community that keeps me accountable and helps me keep others accountable to do what we want to do for the time we have left.

Let’s do it together!

Hugs, India (Heather Camille Glosen) Alexis