I Want To Know Why

The goal is to identify interesting gaps in your understanding or knowledge in order to generate raw material for short stories. 

I want to know why

  • Even when everything is in my favor, I feel frozen when acting upon my goals.

  • My across-the-street neighbors created a living room in their garage.

  • I never noticed that the desert turns green in spring.

  • Whenever my gas tank says 1/4 full, it means I’m out of gas. 

  • There are so many people living in the house next-door to me. Who are they?

  • My right foot is larger than my left, but my left hand is larger than my right. 

  • I’ve never dated a guy that interested me. 

  • I can run further than I can ride a bike.

  • My breath catches in my throat whenever I look in the mirror and see that I’m no longer 16 years old.

  • Being an adult terrifies me.

  • When someone asks me if I have children, the answer in my head is: I’m not old enough for that, yet. It’s my same response when asked if I own a home or if I am married.  

The guys who like me are never my type and those I’ve dated haven’t interested me. My friends, therapists and I have tried to understand this problem. All I’ve come up with is that I have a lot of guilt when I don’t like someone and they like me. So, like a martyr, I begin a dishonest relationship where I am just biding my time for someone I like to come along. Yet, when I like someone, I get so nervous around them I act awkward and bizarre. Nobody likes that. That’s just the start of my relationship issues. 

For now, I won’t date until I figure this shit out. 


What I Want Wants Me


I Don’t Know Why I Remember